Virtual Reality(VR) vs Augmented Reality(AR)

AR vs VR :

  • Virtual Reality immerse you entirely into a virtual world, whereas Augmented Reality simply overlays virtual elements onto the real world.
  • In VR it takes us into a virtual world where we can't see or observe events happening around us.
  • But in AR it adds virtual element to a live view where we can see and observe the virtual element with the real elements present around us.
  • VR gives experience of an artificial environment to the user. For example if you use VR lenses to watch a movie you feel like you are a part of that movie.
  • AR gives real experience of a game, movie, online shopping etc. to the user. For example if you use AR for online shopping to buy a soft set or a dining set or any kind of furniture you can see where the furniture fit in your house by just projected the furniture in a place through AR technology.

Some best VR lenses with affordable price,


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